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The 2024/5 Demonstrator Grants Programme launches on Wednesday the 6th of November. Click here to find out more.

A new approach


The Glasgow Climate Action Hub brings together partners across the city in a new approach to tackling climate change.


The Hub has some big goals that we want to achieve:


  • We want communities to have the knowledge, skills and support that they need to respond to the climate emergency.

  • We want groups in Glasgow to have the chance to collaborate, and influence change.

  • We want the voice of diverse communities to be recognised in climate action.

  • We want the voice of all communities to be recognised in local and national decision making.


Whether you’re a community group or a citizen, we have something for you so please take a look at what we have to offer.

How it started


The Glasgow Climate Action Hub launched in December 2023 as part of a national programme funded by the Scottish Government. You can find out more about that here.


The Scottish Government allowed each region some freedom to choose their own priorities so and the Glasgow Climate Action Network was started to give organisations in Glasgow a chance to shape what a Hub would look like for us.


The Glasgow Climate Action Hub and Network are two sides of the same coin. The Network is the heart of this work and helps us shape our collective priorities and the Hub is the engine that drives those priorities forward while also building capacity for the network.

The network


The Climate Action Network is facilitated by the Hub, and it sits at the heart of what we want to achieve. It helped shape our bid for Hub funding but, beyond that, the network is also a chance for groups to come together to collaborate, share knowledge and experience, and build a collective vision for climate action in Glasgow. Any group or organisation who shares our vision for a more sustainable, equal and resilient city is welcome to join. You can find out more about the network and join here.

The Hub


The Hub is the core engine of the project and it’s where the Scottish Government grant is spent. The network decided to use the grant to enhance the great work already happening in Glasgow rather than start something completely new, so the funding was secured as a partnership with each partner being a member of the network who has something unique to offer. You can find more about who the partners are and what they will be delivering here (link to partners and their offer).


The "less waste more action" and "forget fast fashion" banners on this page were co-designed by ApparelXchange as part of a project to engage school children in conversations around climate action. Find out more here.

About the Hub

The Glasgow Climate

Action Network

Our vision


 A sustainable, equal and resilient future with connected, collaborative and empowered communities at the centre:


  • Sustainability – meeting present needs without compromising those of the future, this includes resources, environment and social wellbeing

  • Equality – always aiming for equal rights and opportunities for all people

  • Resilience – communities and resources which can support all people to withstand the crises we face




​To collaborate between local community groups, sharing knowledge and resources to empower each other for climate action.




  • To support collaboration and sharing, of knowledge and resources, between community groups

  • To support and develop community led climate action in the Glasgow area

  • To support communities to contribute to local, regional and national decision making

  • To highlight the links between climate change and other issues and inequalities, using it as a unifying issue


Core methods


  • Connecting

  • Collaborating

  • Supporting

  • Learning


Network values


  • Honesty and transparency

  • Listening, being curious about our different and shared values and ideas

  • Respect, including for each other’s time

  • Awareness of power dynamics and roles held

  • Encouraging diversity and inclusivity


Any voluntary group or organisation in Glasgow who shares our vision and wants to be part of a more connected solution to climate change is welcome to join the network.

The "our climate our future" mural was developed as part of a project with Rags to Riches,  local artist Molly Hankinson and the children from Govanhill Youth Club. Find out more here.

Our Partners

Our partners​

Glasgow's Climate Action Hub brings together the expertise of 10 partners across the city, each of them offering something unique.


Although they each receive funding to deliver activities as part of the Hub, all of them have so much more to offer so please take the time to check out all the great work happening.


Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) aims for Glasgow’s citizens and communities to flourish with the help of a strong voluntary sector. GCVS aims to improve the lives of people in Glasgow, not by delivering services to them, but by developing the contribution of the voluntary sector to addressing inequalities and responding to community demand. As a key partner in Glasgow’s Third Sector Interface we have an important role in bringing together community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises, so that they can network, collaborate and learn from each other. 

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


As lead partner in the Glasgow Climate Action Hub, GCVS will be offering capacity building support for third sector organisations across the city to help them develop their understanding of climate issues and to support them take steps towards engaging in climate action.


All of the climate support available from GCVS can be found on the Support for Groups page.


To find out more about GCVS' wider work, please visit our website or to get in touch, please e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:





Glasgow Counfil for the Voluntary Sector

Part of Govanhill Baths Community Trust, Rags to Riches is an award-winning upcycling social enterprise using waste to promote environmental sustainability, community engagement and education across the Southside of Glasgow.

We employ the circular economy model to provide creative workshops as well as providing outreach programmes to outside organisations to upskill, train and empower local groups and support vulnerable communities.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


Rags to Riches will be offering a range of workshops over the year that focus on sustainability and give participants the skills to repair, re-use and recycle more creatively. They will also be delivering a number of community repair events in the Govanhill area.


To find out more or to get in touch, please visit our website or e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:





Rags to Riches

Merry-go-Round aspires to be the first choice for parents in Glasgow. Our shop offers high quality pre-loved essential items and is a hub for families to meet, learn and exchange ideas. We are changing the perception of second-hand goods, saving families money, improving mental health and well-being and reducing the quantity of new goods purchased.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


Merry-go-Round offer free monthly sessions for parents and families with children 0-5 who want to reduce their carbon footprint by making small tweaks in their everyday lives whilst engaging the younger generations. 


To find out more or to get in touch, please visit our website or e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:






Our mission is to reduce the impact of clothing on our planet by providing sustainable clothing services and influencing consumer behaviour through knowledge and empowerment.


We hope to disrupt traditional retail formats by showing that preloved items can benefit both the planet and your pocket, and that sustainable fashion should be an option for everyone.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


ApparelXchange will be delivering a series of Creative Climate Sessions will take discussions on the global climate crisis to empowering action at a local level. The sessions will marry the discussions with repair, sewing and creative skills working with waste clothing and footwear, to enhance the individual to look after their clothes, repair, create and protest.


To find out more or to get in touch, please visit our website or e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:






Glasgow Eco Trust is a local environmental charity and social enterprise based in west Glasgow that coordinates and delivers a range of environmental activities and services. We believe that local people are best placed to meet the needs and aspirations of their communities to create vibrant, thriving and resilient communities. Our mission is to enable, facilitate, and empower local people and organisations to get informed, get involved and get active, both individually and collectively, to take action that will make a difference for people, place and planet.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


We are delivering two projects under the Glasgow Climate Action Hub:


  • Community Centred Climate Action - an innovative project working with 9 local community and neighbourhood centres to develop individual and collective climate action plans. These will then cascade through the groups who use the centres.

  • Community Climate Cafes - bringing people together to learn, share knowledge and support each other


To find out more or to get in touch, please visit our website or contact us at


Please follow us on social media, too:





Glasgow Eco Trust

Woodlands Community create and maintain spaces and opportunities that bring people together to empower community action and foster a sense of belonging. All our initiatives are designed to integrate social wellbeing with the environment. Our main initiatives include Woodlands Community Garden, Woodlands Meeting Room and Events Terrace, Woodlands Anti-Racist Community Library and our Warm Welcome Community Café.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


Climate Futures is our Climate, Gardening and Nature project for students & young people.

We're inspiring young people to:


  • take action on climate change

  • feel better connected to the natural world

  • combat feelings of anxiety around the climate and nature crises.

  • improve well-being through being outdoors in nature.


To find out more or to get in touch, please visit our website or e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:





Parents for Future Scotland

Part of a global network, Parents for Future Scotland work with parent communities (in particular those whose voices are least heard) in order to support them to identify climate issues affecting their lives and take action. We deliver a school’s programme in Glasgow and Edinburgh which gives parents and children the opportunity to think through air pollution, its effects, what they can do about it within their own school communities and what legislative changes they would like to see take effect to combat air pollution. We then support them to present these changes to their local representatives. 

​What do we offer as part of the Hub?


We are working to co-create a toolkit which enables parent communities to identify climate issues affecting their lives and act on them. We want to work in partnership with 12 Glasgow charities currently working with families who are marginalised or whose voices are often least heard.


With the toolkit, the programme aims to raise the voices of marginalised communities on climate matters to ensure they can have their say on climate issues affecting their lives. We would welcome contact with any charities who would like to take part.


To find out more or to get in touch, please e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:




Awaz FM is a community radio station dedicated to providing a platform for diverse voices in Glasgow. Our mission is to engage, inform, and empower the community through a variety of programmes that cover important topics, including climate change. We aim to bridge the information gap by broadcasting in multiple languages, ensuring that all community members are informed about global and local issues.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


Through the Climate Change Hub, Awaz FM offers a series of radio shows focused on climate awareness and action. We collaborate with various organisations to deliver informative segments in multiple languages, targeting individuals and communities across Glasgow. Our programmes cover topics such as the greenhouse effect, extreme weather conditions, sustainable living practices, and more. We aim to engage and educate listeners, encouraging them to take part in community actions that address climate change.


To find out more or to get in touch, please visit our website or e-mail us at


Please follow us on social media, too:






Glasgow Community Energy are Glasgow’s new community-owned renewable energy co-operative – a project developed by local people on a largely voluntary basis over the last six years. In 2020, during the coronavirus lockdown, we successfully installed solar panels on the roofs of two schools in Glasgow. These two installations alone will save nearly 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year – helping our city work towards its target to be carbon neutral by 2030. Selling the electricity they produce will raise several thousand pounds each year, which can be reinvested into local community projects through our Community Benefit Fund.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


Glasgow Community Energy and Loco Home Retrofit are partnering to work with organisations and the communities they represent to:


  • Build an energy sub-network that will establish a shared understanding and vocabulary of energy in relation to climate action and identify opportunities for collaborative community projects.

  • Engage diverse community organisations across the city to deliver a series of events with that will explore community-led solutions to energy issues with different audiences.


This project is still in development and contact details will follow soon.

Glasgow Community Energy

Loco Home Retrofit is a Glasgow-based co-operative of householders, contractors and advisers focused on promoting energy efficiency within our homes, tackling the climate crisis and keeping energy bills affordable. 


As a community intermediary, we help households, tradespeople and professionals to navigate the often complex, disruptive and expensive process of retrofitting our homes. Many of us may wish to reduce our energy bills and reject fossil fuels but may be held back by a lack of knowledge about where to start. Loco Home Retrofit is here to demystify the retrofitting process and support homeowners in enacting energy efficiency measures in their homes.

What do we offer as part of the Hub?


Loco Home Retrofit and Glasgow Community Energy are partnering to work with organisations and the communities they represent to:


  • Build an energy sub-network that will establish a shared understanding and vocabulary of energy in relation to climate action and identify opportunities for collaborative community projects.

  • Engage diverse community organisations across the city to deliver a series of events with that will explore community-led solutions to energy issues with different audiences.


This project is still in development and contact details will follow soon.

Loco Homes Retrofit
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